M10 A Path of Cloud


A picture such as “A Path of Clouds” is worth more than a thousand words. Its image is that of a forest path covered with white feathers that a Swan mother has plucked from her body to protect her ducklings’ tender feet from twigs and stones. Such an act of selfless love is deeply touching and contrasts with the actions of many humans, who have somehow lost the maternal instinct. The swan mother’s noble deed gives us much food for thought.

“A Path of Clouds” has a simple but clever visual structure. The artful presentation of shadows and grass framing the photo highlight its main subjects. Fallen yellow leaves also enrich the overall color composition of the picture, typifying the nature of “mind-image” photography: The photographer transcends physical sight to perceive her subjects with the spiritual eye. Thus, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s works go beyond the realm of mundane art and exude a devout, compassionate, “religious” quality, minus the limitations of ecclesiastical doctrine. Only when one possesses such deep love for all beings can one access the purest, noblest and most selfless form of creative inspiration.